Professional Post Discharge Care is the need of the hour, is what we believe.
Extended stays in hospital for ongoing physiotherapy, injections and dressings simply eat into patients’ resources.
7 additional days in hospital mean a couple of lakhs on the meter.
The same care provided at home by qualified professionals would mean , a fraction of the cost.
A lot of commutes and discomfort to patient and family can be easily avoided.
Insurance companies stand to gain because the cost of care is significantly lower.
Hospitals stand to gain from lower ALOS ( Average Length of Stay) and quicker throughput.
It is time the community at large awakens to the possibilities and benefits that Home Healthcare brings to the table.
#professionalpostdischargecare #dressingsathome #injectionsathome #rehabilitationathome #icuathome #palliativecareathome #labtestsathome #ECGatHome #XrayatHome #physiotherapyathome
#SecondOpinion #AffordableHealthcare #PROFESSIONALhealthcare