Physiotherapy at Home

Over the years, I have seen many patients extend their stay in hospitals because physiotherapy was ongoing. However , physiotherapy and many other supportive forms of care are vital to complete and faster recovery of patients.

Our capability in this respect , is strong. 

We can provide effective services in almost all parts of Pune and several parts of Mumbai. 

Several patients are availing our professional services , and have appreciated the same.

#homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome 

#Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare



#patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome


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