November 2022

Our People are Our Strength

One of the things about entrepreneurship, which gives me a high , is the fact that from being a salaried employee, we have become someone who employs quite a few people.
Apart from providing much needed services to our patients and customers, we are generating employment for many.
Women form 80 percent of our workforce.
I feel humbled and grateful to be able to touch the lives of so many people.
I encourage all those who are debating whether they should take the plunge to entrepreneurship, to go right ahead. It has so many spin-offs and is a journey where you discover something new about yourself every day. There is immense satisfaction in charting your own journey.
#homehealthcare #nurseathome #doctorathome #physiotherapistathome
#diagnosticsathome #icuathome
#accessiblehealthcare #affordablehealthcare #digitalhealthcare

Sunburst Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Our People are Our Strength Read More »

Today is World Diabetes Day.

Today is World Diabetes Day. It is a day to remind ourselves that diabetes is a massive killer lurking in our midst. The mortality and morbidity every year, arising out of diabetes ,and its impact on target organs , is staggering, and way more than the havoc unleashed by COVID.
The theme of the World Diabetes Day Campaign 2021 to 2023 is – Education to Protect Tomorrow .
Many among us are not even aware that we are at risk or are on the cusp of becoming overtly diabetic.
Even people with full blown diabetes are totally ignorant about their condition and how to manage it and mitigate long term effects.
Education is therefore key to prevention and management of diabetes.
Do reach out to us for any questions that you may have, we will be happy to get you the help that you need.
We also offer Comprehensive Health Check packages at home at very compelling prices.

Today is World Diabetes Day. Read More »


Have you ever realised that ICU stay in the most basic of ICUs costs on an average Rs 20000 per day, in most hospitals in cities like Pune. In Metros and corporate hospitals, this amount could double. Home healthcare costs not more than 10% of the amount paid in hospitals.
Add to that the comfort of the home environment, which itself heals the patient.
Moreover , the benefit of 1:1 care and obviating the risk of Hospital Acquired Infections.
Our advice to family members of such patients, is to initiate a discussion wrt to home healthcare, with their ICU doctors in hospitals.
Once patient needs only step down care, it would be useful to explore the possibility of bringing the patient home.
It is indeed a win-win solution.
#icuathome #homehealthcareservices
#affordablehealthcare #accessiblehealthcare


ICU AT HOME Read More »

5th Year Anniversary Celebrations

5th Year Anniversary Celebrations

It seems like yesterday , we established our fledgling enterprise- Sunburst Healthcare.
It has been an exciting journey through the last half decade.
A big shout out to so many wonderful people who were part of this thrilling journey!
Many thanks to our patrons who reposed their trust in us.
Look forward to a lot of good work and learning , in the years to come.
May we bring solace and quality healthcare to many more people in the comfort of their home.
#homehealthcare #affordablehealthcare #accessiblehealthcare #digitalhealthcare #icuathome #doctorathome #nurseathome #physiotherapyathome

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