July 2024

Healthcare Services

Being an entrepreneur has taught me that the objective, path and trajectory of every business may be different and all are good.
As long as the business is making an impact and fulfilling a social or other unmet need, it has a relevance, validity and standing.
Having started an enterprise later in life, I decided not to accept small investments and give in to dictats from investors.
I also didn’t want to take debt and be stressed out.
I went the boot-strapped way, the business is self sustained and doing well.
The work is scientifically logical and valued by our clients.
Yes the scale is small but the impact is significant.
We provide employment to so many. 80% of our workforce is women.
We provide comprehensive services which hardly anyone else provides , with finesse.
The brand has earned a good amount of respect and recognition.
I would love to hear from everyone, fellow entrepreneurs and others , their thoughts on the above.
#homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome
#Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare
#patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome

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Doctors Needed

Doctors needed for home visits in Pune, Mumbai , Goa, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Delhi NCR.
Minimum qualification MBBS.
Excellent remuneration.
Accept visits as per your convenience.
Immediate payment on submission of record of visit.
Post Graduate and super-specialist doctors, welcome to join.
Resident doctors preparing for exams, will find this a useful opportunity to generate some income while studying for exams.
For more details , call us at 9923664644 or email us at ceo@sunbursthealthcare.org

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