From ICU at Home to just simple Patient Care Attendant services .
Labs, ECG and X-ray, EEG, EMG or Sleep Studies, in the comfort of your home.
Doctor’s visits and Video Consultation with Super specialists!
Even Nutritionists and Clinical Psychologists!!!
Concierge Services for Patients and Second Opinion from Experts.
No matter how simple or complex the service is……….
Sunburst Healthcare can provide all Healthcare Services under one Umbrella!!
No running from pillar to post.
We have the capability and the empathy to give you the right solution for all your Home Healthcare Needs.
HomeCare #WoundHealing #PostSurgeryCare #VacuumDressings #homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome
Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare #accesiblehealthcare #medicalequipment
patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome
endoflifecare #professionalpostdischargecare #dressingsathome #injectionsathome #rehabilitationathome #icuathome
palliativecareathome #labtestsathome #ECGatHome #XrayatHome #physiotherapyathome #Teleconsultationathome
SecondOpinion #affordablehealthcare #accessiblehealthcare #homehealthcare #ProfessionalHealthcareServicesatHome