Happy Diwali
Sunburst Healthcare wishes everyone a very happy and healthy Diwali.
A balanced diet, moderate exercise, positive mindset ,sleep hygiene and preventive health check ups, go a long way in keeping ourselves healthy. PRO- ACTIVE HEALTHCARE is the mantra, we want to recommend to everyone, on this festive and spiritual occasion .
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Sunburst Healthcare at Home | Home Care Services

India has a huge and costly disease burden of heart disease. The reason, of course, is our unhealthy lifestyle.
Sedentary habits, unhealthy diet rich in carbs, stress, smoking and drinking are major risk factors.
It is time to wake up to this reality and start the process of taking care of our hearts before it gets too late.
Proactive care of your heart is the need of the hour.
Sunburst invites you to undergo a Healthy Heart Check-up from the comfort of your home.
Do call us for further details at 7798006390, 8446006390
Visit us @https://sunbursthealthcare.org/
#proactivehealthcare #preventivehealthcare #heartcare #healthyheartcampaign #healthcheckup #homehealthcare