Thought for the Day Being serious about your work doesn’t mean one has to be serious all the time!!! A lighter moment with my husband and friend in a hotel lobby in Chandigarh. Loved this antique bike and sidecar! Couldn’t help capturing the moment on camera😀😀 #positivethinking #funmoments #familytime #enjoylife #beyourself
Nursing forms the fulcrum of home healthcare services. Over time we have developed capability of providing specialised nursing services for the following purposes- Critical Care at home Palliative Care Feeding by Ryle’s tube and Peg Feeding Care of patients on Tracheostomy Stoma care/ Colostomy care Enemas, Urinary Catheterisation , Ryle’s tube insertion Dressings Suture Removal Injections – Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, Intravenous IV infusions Caring for patients on Non-invasive and invasive ventilators Baby and Maternal Care Assistance with Activities of Daily Living Companion for Elderly or Physically or Mentally Challenged Patients We also organise periodic monitoring visits at the patient’s home. Our services are well appreciated by our esteemed clients. #homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare #accesiblehealthcare #medicalequipmentand devices #patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions
With great pride, we announce that we have now commenced our operations in Goa. Our enthusiastic Goa team, ably supported by our head office are rearing to go. We humbly seek the support of all our industry colleagues and the trust of our clientele in Goa. Our office address is- Reading & Co. Shopno.15, Queeny Elite, near Government high school, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa-403802. Phone-8412821485, 8806652779, 8446006390, 9923664644 #homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare #accesiblehealthcare #medicalequipmentand devices
It is really heartening to receive a feedback like the following one.
You put in heart and soul into rendering services to your patients, their acknowledgment of your effort makes your day and motivates you to do more to serve your clientele renewed zeal.
Sharing this patient feedback which made our day.😊
Mrs X is an 83 year old lady. Her children are settled abroad. Her children approached Sunburst Healthcare to explore how they could get complete medical support for their mother. We guided them to enrol in our membership program. Today we not only have provided a nurse for her. She is connected on phone to a doctor and can reach out for any healthcare related advice from a senior doctor. We provide her with periodic doctor’s visits. Pharmacy and consumables are delivered to her doorstep on demand. We provide facilitation services to get her appointment with renowned specialists and super-specialists and also for second opinion and assistance with accessing emergency and planned care in hospitals. We are also in touch with her family abroad. Her family is therefore completely at ease and can concentrate on their work, knowing fully well that their parent is well looked after. #homehealthcare #icuathome #doctorathome #nurseat home #caretakerathome #physiotherapyathome #ecgathome #xrayathome #labtestsathome #patientadvisoryservices #patientfacilitationservices #secondopinion #accesinlehealthcare #affordablehealthcare
One of the things about entrepreneurship, which gives me a high , is the fact that from being a salaried employee, we have become someone who employs quite a few people. Apart from providing much needed services to our patients and customers, we are generating employment for many. Women form 80 percent of our workforce. I feel humbled and grateful to be able to touch the lives of so many people. I encourage all those who are debating whether they should take the plunge to entrepreneurship, to go right ahead. It has so many spin-offs and is a journey where you discover something new about yourself every day. There is immense satisfaction in charting your own journey. #homehealthcare #nurseathome #doctorathome #physiotherapistathome #diagnosticsathome #icuathome #accessiblehealthcare #affordablehealthcare #digitalhealthcare
Today is World Diabetes Day. It is a day to remind ourselves that diabetes is a massive killer lurking in our midst. The mortality and morbidity every year, arising out of diabetes ,and its impact on target organs , is staggering, and way more than the havoc unleashed by COVID.
The theme of the World Diabetes Day Campaign 2021 to 2023 is – Education to Protect Tomorrow .
Many among us are not even aware that we are at risk or are on the cusp of becoming overtly diabetic.
Even people with full blown diabetes are totally ignorant about their condition and how to manage it and mitigate long term effects.
Education is therefore key to prevention and management of diabetes.
Do reach out to us for any questions that you may have, we will be happy to get you the help that you need.
We also offer Comprehensive Health Check packages at home at very compelling prices.
2. 104 year old patient with acute inflammation and pain knee
3. Cancer patient, needing a second opinion
These are the kind of people who approach us , looking for solutions.
We feel very elated when we are able to offer them pertinent solutions to these very genuine requirements.
Sunburst Healthcare provides online consultations and physical visits by doctors.
Online Second Opinions by renowned specialists and super-specialists is our special capability.
What’s more we offer free Patient Advisory Services for those people who are not able to comprehend what is the best course of action for their medical problems. These services are well appreciated by our esteemed clients.
#homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare
#medicalequipmentand devices #patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #healthcare #medical #doctors #covid