KBC Hot Seat

Some said… you didn’t play to your potential
Some said …. It was a let down, you didn’t win anything much.
To me there were too many positives to being part of KBC and being on the hot seat.
As per my calculation , there must be about 150 people who make it to the hot seat , in one season.
Around 4000 till date, over 23 years.
No money can buy this experience of having a humorous one on one conversation with the iconic , one and only, Amitabh Bacchan.
Talking about my work and my enterprise on the show was an amazing opportunity.
It was like an endorsement on Prime Time Television with none other than AB.
What would that have cost me, had it even been possible by any stretch of imagination.
So guys, say what you want…
I am on seventh heaven and flying high.
Couldn’t care less about the few lakhs that I could have won.
The other contestants , like the one who came after me, needed and deserved the money more.
I am thrilled with what I got and achieved.
Also very grateful to the thousands of friends and connections who cheered me on!
Thanks everyone! 🙏🙏😀😀

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Nutritional Composion

The nutritional composition of the food we eat, has a lasting effect on our health.
A balanced diet is a crucial contributor to our health and well being.
Nutritional deficiencies are extremely common even in the educated and affluent strata of society and are not really limited to people of lower socioeconomic strata.
This happens because of lack of awareness.
Our expert nutritionists are available to provide dietary advice to our patients and provide customized diet charts which address specific needs of every individual/patient.
Reach out to us for nutritionist consultation and targeted advise.
#homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome
#Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare
#patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome

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Pain Management

Patients with certain types of intractable pain often don’t know what to do to relieve them from the distress of ongoing pain.  We have empaneled with us, senior pain management consultants, who can help such patients.  So if Pain is your problem, contact us for effective solutions. #homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome  #Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare #accesiblehealthcare #medicalequipmentanddevices  #patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome #endoflifecare

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ICU at Home

We are pleased to announce that so far we have managed scores of patients with complete ICU like facilities at the patients’ home. Advantages of this type of care are multifold, with huge saving on cost, unparalleled convenience and total avoidance of Hospital Acquired Infections ( HAIs). With right patient selection, this can be a win-win solution. #homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome  #Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare #accesiblehealthcare #medicalequipment and devices  #patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome #endoflifecare

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Happy Diwali

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥
ॐ शान्तिः ! शान्तिः ! शान्तिः॥
May everyone be Happy, May everyone be Healthy, May everyone see what is Favorable and May no one Suffer.
Wishing a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Deepawali to Everyone… Happy Diwali
#homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome
#Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare
#patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome

Happy Diwali

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6th Anniversary

We completed six years of formation of our company, Sunburst Healthcare Pvt Ltd on 01 Nov 2023.
It is a feeling of great satisfaction as I look back at these years. To sustain and grow the company without any loan and dilution of equity is I think quite creditable.
We have generated revenue and become profitable,
All compliances in place and a couple of trademarks to our credit.
We have successfully managed more than 1500 field workers, generated income for them. That itself is a big high.
We developed our own bespoke technology.
Last but not the least, we provide a structured and patient centric service where none existed.
Home healthcare still remains an under served sector and the possibilities and opportunities are enormous.
Finally we are serving patients in places like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Baramati. Satara and the like.
It is our endeavour to take this organisation to the next level over the coming years.
We want to be impactful , endeavour to move to a digital transformation and be mindful of our ESG commitments.
#homehealthcareservices #icuathome #doctorathome #caretakerathome #labtestsathome #xrayathome #ecgathome #digitalhealthcare #Holtermonitoringathome
#Neurodiagnosticsathome #affordablehealthcare #palliativehealthcare
#patientadvisoryservices #teleconsultation #doctorvisits #secondopinions #physiotherapyathome #rehabilitationathome

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